Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize 2016 ~ Another Success!

Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize 2016 ~ Another Highly Commended Award Success for me this year!

Its always a lovely morning when you wake up to more great news coming in from The Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize event. For the second time running, news of receiving this award for my watercolour painting ‘St Vincents Amazons and Cannonball Tree’ came trickling through from my vigilant followers over social media, reminding me that I can always rely on you good people to keep me up to date with the latest developments on my work! Thank you so much 🙂

Yes, hopes of winning the Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize have been dashed for the 6th time, making me think if I can’t win with this painting, a true natural history study of one of the rarest birds left on the planet… can i ever win it at all? Ive been getting plenty of sweet messages this morning from gorgeous annoyed folk on the topic, but no matter! Thats simply how these things always are, and in such a highly renowned, competitive and prestigious exhibition as this is, Im pretty damn pleased to be acknowledged with the Highly Commended Prize, and to be a part of such a wonderful event as this is. For me it remains as always, staying focussed, doing the best work that I can do, to keep raising my own bar to the greatest heights possible, and to be one of the best botanical illustrators and bird painters of my time.

The exhibition will be held at the South Australian Museum from Friday 10 June until Sunday 31 July 2016. I am assuming that my painting will join the national traveling exhibition again now until later in the year too. Congratulations to all finalists and award winners for 2016, it is as always, an honour to exhibit with you. Ill see you again in the next round!

hmmmmmmm… what to paint, what to paint!