Silvereye and Blueberry Ash – Acrylics

Silvereye and Blueberry Ash – Acrylics – 225x150mm ~ SOLD

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Silvereye and Blueberry Ash is a small painting of a common bird in my part of the world, amongst one of my favourite native trees, the Elaeocarpus reticulatus. This gorgeous bird attracting tree is covered in a mass of tumbling, fringed hanging bells of pink flowers in season which mature into stunning blue berries after the flowering is done. Choosing a peak season for this tree is difficult as it just continues to be truly glorious year round. With its beautiful blue green leaves and soft pink flowers, this is a tree that Ive wanted to paint for the longest time.

The silvereye is a tiny Australian native bird who bounces in and out of the branches and flower clusters with endless enthusiasm, foraging for food and fun along the way. Though modest in colour, its delicate mustard yellow head with flushes of beautiful blue grey and warm peachy belly feathers are just so delightful… and of course, the distinctive white ring around the eye which gives it its name, makes this bird so easily recognizable and unique.

The combination of these subjects really captures me and I have decided to make this a small painting, in keeping with the beautiful, intimate little world of this bush baby. I have chosen to render this artwork in acrylics to explore bird painting in this medium further. With the layout decided upon, I have begun roughing in the placement and colours of this piece to get a feel of its own unique story and palette. It feels wonderful to be working in acrylics again so please join me as the silvereyes story unfolds.

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With the painting roughed in, I start to refine the background a little further, developing diversity, colour, contrast, texture and interest to the greens. The bird and leaves remain unaltered at this stage, but they will catch up soon enough

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Focussing on the blueberry ash leaves, they are now far more refined and lively as the painting begins to take some shape and real character. Now this painting, one of the only paintings not sold prior to commencement this year has been sold and its new owners are looking forward to its completion.

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With the background, blueberry ash flowers and leaves complete, its time to work on the tiny silvereye with its beautiful soft colours, fluffy belly and distinctive eye markings. Now the whole painting begins to come together, and come to life.

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Taking a closer look at the little silvereye detail, you can see how much variety and subtlety actually goes in to creating these delicately coloured subjects

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And now the painting is complete! Thanks for following along with me 🙂

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The silvereye bird reference is with thanks to bird photographer Steven Merrett, much appreciated Steven!

Please note this painting is now sold