Blossom Illustration – Painting Lesson in Watercolor

Blossom Illustration – Painting Lesson in Watercolor

online painting tutorial blossom watercolour

Spring has arrived and I LOVE IT! Oh gosh, theres nothing like that first flush of spring in the winters air, the promise of beautiful things to come, gardens bursting to life again and all the flowers, fragrances and optimism that sits on the breath of Spring. Well, its happening here now and Ive spent these last days of winter gearing up for its arrival, sipping hot ginger tea with my friends home grown honey, snuggling my old old dog, waiting out the last of the chill in my studio. As a result, our next Patreon Painting Lesson ‘BLOSSOM ILLUSTRATION’ is now LIVE, and I am really happy to share this one with you.

I mean its Spring, right? What could be more springy than the blossom? Ok, well bulbs, jasmine, boronia, sarsaparilla… and so on… but oh my goodness, the blossom. I just found myself captivated by it, caught up in its colours, textures, fragrance and consuming beauty so I simply had to add it to the ever growing list of painting lessons to share with you. Even narrowing it down to one impossible direction, there were so many blossom options I wanted to play with but finally, I settled on the delicate romance of the classic, baby pink blooms that seem to surround me so much this week. Its gorgeous, andΒ  as a watercolour painting subject, such a wonderful exercise.

So whats on offer, you ask? ‘This is a delicate and delightful springtime illustration tutorial, exploring a global favourite subject of the blossom in flower. This really is a beautiful subject, and such sentimental one too. For so many it triggers significant memories, emotions, thoughts of time, place and often people that we love. Its one that really rests in our hearts.

Its a wonderful thing about plants, this connection we have to them and here we take this further, capturing it far beyond the spring in this sweet botanical painting. This time Im working larger than life, to really explore the finer side of its delicate beauty in watercolour, allowing us to explore the watercolour medium better at the same time. And what a perfect medium to work in here too, mirroring the blossoms delicateness and tenderness so well.

In this course, Im going to be working in a mixture of wet on wet, and wet on dry painting techniques, to explore timing and texture a little more closely, along with our refining layers of subtle dry brushing and detailing. Our colours are sooo deliciously compatible in the flowers this time which makes our job so much easier, but there is still a really wonderful shift in how this works over all, so I am keen to demonstrate how we can capture these subtleties nicely and simply too, bringing wonderful soft complexity to our paintings.Β I also want to work a little more loosely in this study, capturing that same softness with our approach. Its a romantic, delicate study of such a sweet subject, so get your head and heart in this warm and gently space, and lets get creating!

An exacting craft, this work is especially suited to nature lovers, for those with an eye for detail, or for those wanting to develop it. If thats you, youre definitely in the right place. Whats most important is enjoying the process, learning a bunch and having fun creating. When you start there, you already know youre in the right place.

This course will offer you a taste of many of the essential ingredients in both realistic illustration, and managing the watercolour medium more effectively. I have every confidence, and have seen it many many time, how the results surprise my students and I welcome you to join me here for the same… So let me guide you through this wonderful process in this course, from start to finish and see what we can create together’.

So there you have it, were deep diving on this wonderful subject next and Id love to see you in the wash. Head over to Patreon and jump in to the Spring with me in perfect creative style πŸ’•