King Parrots and Poinciana

King Parrots and Poinciana – 31×44 cms – Watercolour – SOLDAVAILABLE IN PRINT

Rendered in watercolour, this delicate yet richly powerful bird portrait captures two King Parrots amongst a glorious Poinciana tree.

Im told in some parts the Poinciana is also known as Flamboyant, which I thing is a wonderfully perfect name for such a spectacular site as it is. For many years it has been on my hit list for painting subjects and having completed a photo shoot of one in flower just the same week, this commission came in to my studio, and it felt quite perfect right from the start… another case of remarkable synchronicity when it comes to my work. I so love that, when ideas and worlds collide so harmoniously, and entering a new creation with just the right energy around it. To me this sort of thing really matters.

My client had done a great deal of research to find just the right artist and subject for her commission, and I was thrilled to work with her in order to bring this beautiful king parrots painting to life. In fact despite it being a significant challenge to paint, I found myself really falling into the piece and falling in love with this painting so much, like it somehow found a way to a soft spot in my heart. Perhaps its the peaceful mood of the birds, alert but at ease amongst the cascading ribbons of colour, perhaps its the contrast of dramatic subjects yet its stillness, or maybe its just the colours I love so much… either way, these are truly wonderful subjects to explore.

As I said in its conclusion, I was working through the night without thought of time, so caught up in the rhythm of the painting that I just suddenly seemed to ‘run out of white’ and just like that I was done, the painting was complete and for all the hours and weeks working steadily away at it, I was completely caught off guard when its conclusion was upon me.

And so it is finished, a portrait of two gorgeous king parrots nestled amongst one of my very favourite trees, the Poinciana. Its time now for it to head off to its new home, to a new owner that summed it up simply and beautifully ‘Thank you so much again, it is truly another masterpiece and I will cherish it always’. It feels nice to know my work goes to homes where they are so cherished I must say.

You can follow more of this painting here on my ‘King Parrots and Poinciana’ blog, or on my Facebook and Instagram pages.