As you know, I have been busily working away on the first of two articles Ive been asked to write for International Artist Magazine lately, and I just got the thumbs up with an excited email from the editor about the content which is nice. 

When I said ‘sure! What medium?’ they replied, we cant choose… can we have two? One on acrylics and one on watercolour? Its a nice problem to have isnt it. With little time before the deadline we decided to cover an existing piece initially and a new piece for the second, but we shall see. Today they saw my Gang Gangs Cockatoos painting and were keep to feature that but I remain undecided. 

For now though I have the first done and ready to go to press on March 4 and that seems a miracle enough at this stage of busyness. I am excited about it though, of course. Im not expecting another front cover but you just never know. 

The Flamingos is a striking piece. Many of you know it already of course, but Ive put together a short clip of the painting in progress for you to revisit if not. Flamingos was a finalist in the prestigious Birds In Art exhibition in the USA and made it to the evening news in the States too. It was all very exciting! After an enormous expense of shipping it over, it ended up selling to a client in Sydney which is just too funny. Im told it is being very very well loved which always makes my efforts feel – complete. 

Well, almost complete I guess, as now its going on to be featured in International Artist Magazine for another splash of beauty for the world to enjoy, I hope. Ill let you know more on when that hits the shelves but I hope you get something out of the in progress clip in the meantime. Thanks everyone