So much of what I create now is improved with amazing collaborations from my photographer friends, and I am so very grateful. Im not only grateful for the support these wonderful photographers offer me, always so positive and enthusiastic about how far Ive come, and about helping me strive higher professionally, but how they have been so willing to jump on board with US here, improving our learning journey so greatly.
Many photographers have become awesome friends over the years as we share our work, loves and lives, and I cant tell you how grateful I am. Today I want to acknowledge three more of these awesomely talented folk who have put up their hands to collaborate with us here in our painting lessons which is SO EXCITING! Its not just having the opportunity to work with gorgeous people here, its getting to work from their absolutely wonderful images, broadening our knowledge as we explore subjects from all around the world – which is truly a gift.
Corey Raffel – Weve already worked from Corey’s remarkable TOUCAN image. Corey and I have been connected for about 6 years now. From the USA, he travels extensively, taking incredible images of wildlife from all corners of the earth. He has a unique eye for detail and clearly, this mutual characteristic between us in our work has brought us together, despite the distance. After experiencing the MOST remarkable coincidences and impossible chances Ill ever know in my life, Ive decided that Corey and my connection is simply, a universe thing. Sometime, Ill have to share the story with those of you who havent heard it yet…. if youd like to hear more! So, from client to coming to be one of my brilliant photographers here, I feel really honoured to work with his images… The toucan wont be the last!
Ade Hall and I have been friends for a decade too. I have always admired his wonderful images, capturing wildlife from his homes, both in Asia and Australia. His images reflect a whole new world of vibrant wildlife from these parts of the world, so full of life, colour, beauty and theres just a real purity in the way they are captured. I love that. Recently Ade’s health has taken a hit after suffering a stroke and as his ability to create is minimised, he was delighted at the prospect of us working from his photography, bringing new life to this loves. I asked Ade… and he just replied YES! It will be a beautiful way to reflect and honour his gorgeous work and I hope to enjoy some of his images in our painting lessons very soon.
Finally we have Col Roberts photography i loved immediately, particularly because of his ability to capture his birds in full flight. His images have a wonderful composition and sense of movement to them and I was really drawn to his work too. Many of Cols images are from dryer parts of Australia than Im used to seeing myself, so there was also a really fun point of difference and knowledge to enjoy there. Thankfully, Col agreed to collaborating here immediately too, and so we are all enriched once more! Again, I hope to add a lesson based around Cols photography in the coming months. Itll be wonderful!
So there we have it, three more absolutely wonderful, talented and generous photographers joining us here to continue and improve whats on offer in our knowledge sharing painting and learning goals. Im sure you share my enthusiasm about this and I look forward to showcasing every one of them in time.
Please remember, these photographers have all agreed to let us work from the images I share in with you in my painting lessons, but its for you only, for use in the course, for learning and personal use only, so please be mindful of this and respectful of their generosity, thanks everyone!