Male Variegated Fairywren and Flannel Flowers – 15x15cms – Watercolour – SOLD
The most recent addition to my 15x15cm small birds series in watercolour is ‘Variegated Fairywren and Flannel Flowers’. Inspired by the most spectacular flannel flower season ive seen in years here in Sydney, this painting came to life. It may be a small study but oh my goodness, there was a lot of work to create this one! I mentioned it on my social media conversations, and in my blog post for this piece… the more time I take to create a painting well, the more precious the work becomes, so how we measure time remains so important.
This painting is sold and set to leave to its new home now. I know it will be enjoyed for many more years, perhaps even generations to come. What a sweet, gentle, stunning combination of subjects to explore and capture… Im sure it wont be my last time playing with this mix.