Kangaroo Paw and Eastern Spinebill Painting

Eastern Spinebill and Kangaroo Paw Painting – Watercolour – Approx 25x17cms – Currently Available

New to my drawing board this week has been my Kangaroo Paw and Eastern Spinebill painting… its bold reds combined with delicious slate greys and rich copper tones of the spinebill are set to create a powerful yet elegant rendering of these two stunning Aussie subjects. Again, it continues in the current line of the classic natural history illustration style featuring an exquisitely rendered subject on a clean white background.

The inspiration for this study draws on Phillip Starts beautiful series of small Australian birds frolicking amongst the kangaroo paw images, such a vibrant, delightful visual feast for the senses its quite overwhelming. Many times Ive found myself lost in the kangaroo paw patches myself so these images really captured my interest with ease. In this case Ive redrawn the finished painting from several reference points to complete the final layout, a relatively simple study in appearance with a rich criss crossing of colour, texture and fabulous form of the flowers with the steadiness of the bird bringing such gravity to the sprawling surrounds… as well as a beautiful diagonal to the composition. Certainly its not simple to paint, so its set to be another week of steady going for me to achieve the level of finish and outcome I intend for this piece. Heres a sneak peek of the bird in progress…

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This painting developing well and todays update brings the eastern spinebill to life, ready to receive its kangaroo paw surrounds and the wrap up of this beautiful new study.


My Kangaroo Paw and Eastern Spinebill Painting is currently available, the only piece remaining in this series to date so please let me know if this one is for you. Its a beautiful study just waiting for the right home.