I’ve been fortunate to see quite a few remarkable animals here in Argentina. They tell me that Pachamama (Mother Earth) is with me, bringing nature to my side here, which is a nice thought and compliment. In this incredible location, I discovered an animal I’ve never heard of, even after all my years working with nature and travelling to wild places. I thought you’d enjoy this short clip too

‘Here, in amongst the wild, enormous, truly vertical peaks of this incredible landscape, is this little guy, just hanging out on the razors edges. He is a Vizcacha, which looks a lot like a rabbit, but with a longer tail.

For me it seemed like a scene out of Monty Python… I couldn’t believe my eyes!’ I still find myself wondering just how such a creature manages to scale such a mountain, or survive in such a brutal place… but they do. I was lucky enough to capture this, to share with you as well.
